If you are thinking about adding some outdoor living space to your home, you have much to consider. In addition to thinking about the cost of installation, you should also think about how you plan to use the space and the yearly maintenance. Decks, patios and four season rooms are all great living space additions to your home, but there are many differences between them.
Decks and Patios

A deck or patio is totally exposed to the elements. This means that you won’t be able to use it when it is raining, cold, too hot and sunny, or windy. Also if bugs are biting, you may be inclined to go back inside. To add shade to your deck or patio, you may consider a retractable awning or you can add a temporary cabana. These cabanas, however, can be ripped apart by high winds and they need to be disassembled and re-assembled seasonally. Decks or patios can be furnished with outdoor furniture and there are many comfortable, weather-resistant options these days.
Decks must be power washed and sealed annually or every other year. Decks made from composite wood are virtually maintenance-free, although the building cost is significantly higher. Patios made of concrete, stamped concrete and pavers also need regular maintenance and sealing to prevent discoloration and pitting and to seal small cracks where weeds can germinate.
Four Season Rooms

Four season rooms, also known as year-round or all season rooms are truly an extension of your home. You aren’t stuck inside either, as the options to open the window panels and allow breeze in through the screens is always present. You’ll be comfortable in this room regardless of what the weather may be outside the panels.
Four season rooms are totally weatherproof and climate controlled since heat and air conditioning systems are installed. This means you can use them year round and furniture will be totally protected from the elements. Maintenance is no different from any other room of your home. The same methods that you use to clean siding and windows are all that is needed for exterior maintenance.
Figuring out how to best build out your space is sometimes challenging, but when you decide what the space is intended for, it makes it so much easier. Contact a design center near you if you would like help deciding how best to convert your unused space.
Learn More AboutPatio Enclosures Four Season Rooms
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