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Sunroom Gardening: How to Plant an Herb Garden

Herbs, potted in various containers, lined up on a windowsill.

In this post, you'll learn ...

  • Tips on how to plant an herb garden in your sunroom.
  • What time of year you can grow an indoor garden.
  • Are you interested in a sunroom to begin your indoor gardening? Learn more about our sunroom options today.

Planting an herb garden can be a fun weekend project that will offer long-term rewards for the whole family. Imagine being able to step out into your sunroom and grab a few leaves of fresh basil for your delicious homemade spaghetti sauce. Herbs can easily be grown indoors or outdoors. If the weather is warm enough, then, by all means, find them a lovely place outside where they can get at least 12 hours of sunlight per day. The rest of the year, grow them indoors.

Interior of a solarium with a couch, mirror on the wall and various plants, hanging, on a table and on the floor.

How to Grow an Indoor Herb Garden

Most herbs can handle direct sunlight for at least a portion of the day, but check the growing instructions for each particular type of herb that you plan to grow. If you have an all-season sunroom in your home, then this is a great place to grow an herb garden all year-round. During those long cold winters, this can give you and your family a lovely place to gather that has the feeling of being outdoors while being protected from cold, nasty weather.

Some people do get depressed during the winter, especially in colder climates where there are long winters, so an all-season sunroom is the perfect solution. You can enjoy all the benefits of being outside year-round. Sunrooms are an excellent place to grow just about anything and they make gardening indoors a snap. Sunroom gardening is fun and easy because you won’t have to worry so much about insects devouring your beautiful plants.

You can also enjoy growing your herb garden in your three season room. These plants can typically grow in this room from spring through fall and during the winter they can be moved to an interior room. Sunrooms offer numerous benefits and having an herb garden is just one of many.

Fight Off the Winter Blues With a Sunroom Garden

It's normal to feel a little sad or down during the winter months. It starts to get dark early and you may be stuck inside due to frigid weather. Spending time in all season sunroom surrounded by natural light and the beauty of the outdoors can help boost your mood. And taking care of plants and herbs in your indoor garden can give you a sense of purpose during a time when all you want to do is hide under a blanket.

Sunrooms are an excellent place to grow just about anything and they make gardening indoors a snap. You also won’t have to worry about insects, birds, or squirrels devouring your beautiful plants.

Image of two hands planting a seedling in a small pot. Pots filled with soil and potting soil in the background.

Garden Pots and Containers

Before you start your indoor herb garden, you will need to purchase your garden container. It is best to purchase pots that have a drainage hole at the bottom. If your pot does not have a hole, you can add gravel to the bottom of the pot to help with drainage. Both of these options help keep the plant’s roots out of excess water. Next, you will need to purchase a good brand of potting soil and loosely fill each pot about two-thirds full with soil. Remove the plant from the container it came in by gently running a butter knife around the edge of the pot to loosen the plant. Sometimes a plant’s roots will grab onto the bottom so you may need to tip the pot upside down and gently tap it to get those roots to let go.

Image of two hands planting a seedling in a small pot. Pots filled with soil and potting soil in the background.

Planting an Herb Garden

Now place the plant in its new home. Use your fingers to make a hole in the soil where the new plant will fit nicely. Next, brush the soil up around the edges and across the top so that the new plant fits well into its new location. Pat the soil down a little to ensure that the plant is securely in place.

Three seedlings in a clump of potting soil in an outstretched hand.

Water and Fertilize

Now it’s time to water it your new plants. Mix a few teaspoons of a brand name plant fertilizer made especially for vegetable growing into a half gallon of water. Carefully pour the water solution around the new plant. Most plants don’t like water poured directly on their stalk so avoid doing this. Some plants do like the foliage sprayed daily with fresh water and you can find a spritzer bottle made just for this purpose at your local nursery.

Three seedlings in a clump of potting soil in an outstretched hand.

Check the Growing Instructions

Basil is an example of an herb that doesn’t like to get its leaves wet. When planting your plants, be sure to check the growing instructions for each type of herb you plan to grow. It’s important that they get the proper amount of sunlight and water each day.

As your herbs grow, many are actually more fragrant or potent just before they start to bloom. After about 4 to 6 weeks of gardening, the leaves of your new herb garden can be pinched and used in recipes.

An indoor herb garden is the perfect idea for those who love to cook, and sunroom gardening requires much less toil and labor than traditional gardening. Beautiful flowering plants can also be grown year-round and will give any home a fresh, elegant atmosphere. Planting an herb garden in your sunroom makes it even more beneficial since fresh herbs can add lots of flavor to any dish.

Learn More About Our Sunrooms